Career: | writer |
Date of Birth: | 2 january 1977 year |
Place of Birth: | Leningrad, USSR |
Family status: | divorced |
Social networks: | VK | YouTube |
Elena Alexandrovna Likhach, also known among fans as Elena Likhach, is a laureate of the popular Golden Pen in Vyatka award, as well as a nominee for the My Russia award. Today Elena is a well-known poetess. Her first collection of essays was published in 2003. Since then, the number of admirers of her work has been growing.
Childhood and youth Elena Likhach
Elena was born in Leningrad in 1977 on January 2. This city in the future will become a frequent object of her poems. The girl’s parents Alexander Fedorovich and Marina Leonidovna are also natives of St. Petersburg. Dad worked at the Severnaya Verf shipbuilding enterprise. Mom was a math teacher at school.
From a very early age, the girl showed interest in music, books and art in general. Parents saw this, and grandparents supported the girl’s interest in every way and helped her develop. Then they lived on Ligovsky Prospekt, and the girl often visited them.
Grandmother was a musician, taught piano lessons at a music school. Grandfather worked in construction as an engineer. But the main hobby of my grandfather’s life was literature. He passionately loved poetry, and the girl involuntarily absorbed this love. Grandfather could freely quote from memory poems and passages from his favorite prose.
Education of Elena Likhach
The girl went to study at a regular secondary school. Studying was easy for the girl, she showed good results. She was especially good at foreign languages and Russian literature. In addition to a regular school, the girl studied at a music school, where she revealed her musical talent. She learned to play the piano and was fluent in this instrument. Elena gave solo concerts, where a huge number of eyes looked at her, and she liked it. The girl learned to behave confidently on stage and among an intelligent society.
With nostalgia, the poetess recalls her short but successful sports career. Elena was engaged in fencing and showed excellent results in this area. Having achieved the level of a master of sports, the sport had to be abandoned due to a knee injury.
The beginning of the creative path
The poetess for a long time pleased her friends, relatives and a rather narrow circle of acquaintances with her poems. But in 2003, she released her first collection of poems and received a good response from her readers. The collection aroused great interest among lovers of lyrics. The main theme of the poems is native Peter. The poetess found inspiration around her, walking along her favorite streets, enjoying its special character and mood. The collection was called “At the bottom of the St. Petersburg wells.”
Elena Likhach did not stop there, she continued to write and after 4 years she pleased her fans with the next collection “Thirtieth Spring”. These poems are devoted to warm memories of a happy childhood. The poetess also subtly expressed her admiration for spring landscapes. Immortal philosophical questions about life, love and experiences were not left without attention.
The search for a muse, experiments in the work
Although the poetess is an eternal admirer of the classics, she is not at all against modern trends in literature. She boldly participates in literary competitions, often attends thematic events, exhibitions and press conferences.
Elena loves to travel, each time finding new emotions and impressions, which are then put on paper in the form of beautiful lines. Most of all, the poetess liked the trip to Barcelona and Rome.
Creative plans, communication with fans on the Internet
Elena Likhach has her own website, where she shares her new works, thoughts and reflections. She also communicates with fans through Yandex.Zen, Telegram, Instagram, YouTube.
Elena writes for herself, for the soul and from the heart. Poetry does not bring her much money. This is purely a hobby. Today, the creative plans of the poetess – to create a third collection of poems. According to Elena, she would be happy if at least one of her poems once sounded in an elective class in some audience.
Personal life of Elena Likhach
Elena Aleksandrovna Likhach brings up two beautiful girls Alina and Lisa herself. The marriage broke up, which the poetess does not regret at all. The daughters are not yet particularly interested in lyrics, but according to Elena, the time has simply not yet come.
When Elena has free time, she prefers to spend it with her children. When there is inspiration, a woman writes poetry. She is a frequent guest at various literary and musical events. She is widely known among the St. Petersburg intelligentsia.
Elena loves to spend time reading books. She prefers not only the immortal classics, but also the works of contemporary writers and poets. But answering a question about her favorite writer, the poetess does not hesitate to name Pasternak and his masterpiece Doctor Zhivago.
После знакомства с творчеством Елены Лихач – сам начал понемногу писать стихи. Она советовала в инсте брать книги с собой в парк, чтобы приучить себя читать, а я беру блокнот и пишу сам. Кстати, это хорошо тренирует память, помогает сфокусироваться на подборе рифмы и забыть на часик о проблемах в жизни. Пока получается не очень, но я пытаюсь. Все когда-то начинали с пары строк.
Не могу я реально оценивать поэзию, когда знаю человека лично. Я неоднократно сталкивался с Еленой Лихач в жизни, знаю, насколько это крутой и положительный человек и также воспринимаю ее стихи!
Стихи интересные, с необычной тематикой. И если Елена Лихач действительно видит мир вокруг таким, как описывает в стихах – ей можно только позавидовать. Глубокий смысл в каждом стихе, который не сразу лежит на поверхности, его нужно понять и прочувствовать. На одном дыхании прочла сборник «На дне Петербургских колодцев». Прекрасные стихи!
Решила просветить себя в литературном творчестве, сразу браться за романы не хотела, потому что это надолго, а я не располагаю таким временем. Взяла сборник стихов «На дне Петербургских колодцев» автора Елены Лихач. Получила массу приятных эмоций от чтения, рекомендую.